Monday, March 8, 2010

I Ate a lot on Day 8!....

...I thought it was kind of funny:)

So in all seriousness, day 8 definitely kicked PCP up a notch or two (or ten!) From the second I looked at my alloted diet I knew it would require discipline. Not so much in the sense that I have to discipline myself to eat only these non-processed, non-salted foods, but more so that I have to weigh each portion and figure out enough recipes so that I won't die of boredom. For my carbs for breakfast and dinner I had my all bran cereal (with almond milk). I think that's a pretty pure whole grain. I had salmon for lunch and flounder for dinner as my protein. I was surprised by how much food this all was, but I trust Patrick and this process enough to just go with it.

The exercise portion wasn't too bad today. I actually did the 600 jumps all the way through without feeling breathless or winded afterwards! It felt amazing. I only tripped up a few times, and each time I immediately kept going, instead of pausing. I used the push up bars for the first time today and they made my push ups way more difficult. I guess I just have to get used to them. Before I wasn't having a problem with push ups at all, but I know these will make my form even better. Unfortunately I can't find anything in my house to use for the incline pull ups, so I'm still brainstorming on that one.

Jivamukti Yoga 280.jpg Tonight I went to a yoga studio I'd never been to before that practices Jivamukti Yoga. I'd never even heard of it before. At first it seemed a little too new age-y for me, but once I let go, I loved it! It started and ended with singing, but don't let that fool you. It was the most intense class I've ever been too, but it was also the most fun. Because I'd never been before, I didn't know what would come next. This allowed me to really be in the moment of each present pose. And also I was having so much fun the whole time, I wasn't focused on the intensity of the pose. I definitely plan on going there more this week. I'm sad they don't have this back at college!

I hope all my fellow PCPr's had a great day 8!


  1. Eat eat eat! We know it's a lot!

  2. The push up bars will definitely help with your form and save your wrists some pain in the long run.
