Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 27

Whew! Another visit under my belt. This one wasn't quite so amazing, and I'm glad to be back in my familiar apartment. All this traveling is starting to wear me out. I stuck to the workout while I was gone, and definitely was better about my diet. No sweets for me this time around! Of course, it was impossible to follow the PCP diet perfectly, but I think I did a good of job as possible considering the circumstances.

I do hate that all of these visits interrupt my PCP progress. I know how integral the diet is to success, so I'm hoping this doesn't affect my results too much. I take comfort in knowing that for the last month or so of PCP, I will be at home with no huge travel plans, so no interruptions then!

The exercises are coming along. Jumping rope went splendidly today! YAY!


  1. Great job Abby -- keep it up!

  2. We still have plenty of time left so don't sweat it! Next week, less grams I'm assuming.

  3. BTW....I'm counting on you to beat 738!!!
