Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 2

It's snowing. In South Carolina. In March. There is a blizzard going on outside my window right now that while, mesmerizing to watch, causes me to have extreme hermit-like tendencies. Aka I am skipping that afternoon yoga class I'd been planning on attending all day. Luckily I got my PCP workout out of the way this morning, BEFORE the flurries started. I've been jump roping first thing these past 2 days and I think I'll continue to do that. I know if I put it off, I'll end up dreading it all day. Hopefully I can maintain this momentum to get it over with when I wake up.

With this snow, there is little that could get me to venture out right now. Except maybe the promise of the other half of the DELICIOUS veggie sub I had to throw away at lunch. I only get a 6 inch to begin with, so eating half isn't very filling. Maybe it's because I knew I couldn't finish it, but that sub has never tasted better. I was so tempted to just eat the whole thing, but this blog is keeping me honest and I forced myself to throw half in the trash.

2 midterms down, 1 paper and midterm to go!


  1. Keep up that morning jumprope and you'll see some changes soon!

  2. Hi Abby,
    Good for you for doing your jumping in the morning! I want to do my exercising in the morning, but just haven't been able to get out of bed early enough to do it yet.
    Good luck on your midterms!!

  3. If it's above the rim you can still eat it!

  4. Guess I am lucky (?) since I usually eat a full footlong from Subway, so last night I got "just" a regular and ate the whole thing. Which it turns out is in fact plenty-o-sandwich.

  5. Hey Abby,

    I live in ASheville and we got a little of that blizzard. My daughter did not have school today and it is harder to get to the gym in bad weather. I was jumping rope in our living room last night - I hope the neighbors were not watching.

    I like that you wrote down your goals. I am going to do that. Be mindful of the Chocolate - I work on things a day at a time. It helps me to avoid being overwhelmed.

    Enjoy the Day - WJ

  6. Nice to know that someone else is doing the PCP so near to me!
