Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 38 Success!

Just got back from the buffet. I only had a few bites of cantaloupe and honey due that were delicious! And I had still had a great time!!

The workout this morning felt great. I'm still amazed that I have worked out consecutively for 38 days. That has NEVER happened before.

So as I leave for the airport in about 10 minutes, I'm going to try to keep a positive attitude in Nashville and make responsible choices that will help me towards my PCP goals!

I'm bringing all my workout gear, I just hope there's a space for me to jumprope at my host's house....


  1. You are ALWAYS on the road! I couldn't do it!

  2. Awesome -- great job! Just remember that to jump rope you need about as much space as it takes to stand in! Good luck.

  3. That is great news! Keep it up! What one man can do another can do!!!
