Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 85

Hmmm. I don't know which is harder. Planks, or v-sits. Those v-sits always make my abs burn like no other and I really can't imagine the day when I can do 400 easy peasy as Patrick alludes to in his email. I am excited about finding some new ab exercises to add to my workout and I've been perusing the women's health website. Pre-PCP, I loved looking at all the different types of workouts the website offered, and now I definitely plan on doing a few.

I went to a funeral this past weekend. It was short and sweet and as all funerals are, was a reminder of my own mortality and how I want to spend my time. I'm so happy to be on a healthy track and although my dedication has waned at times, I am definitely committed to continuing this lifestyle.



  1. Life is short, be strong and healthy for the majority of it!

  2. I vote for v-sits being worse. Planks you can just lie there and take it. V-sits you have to move!

  3. Life is

    Death is hard on the living

    Planks are way worse for me - Purgatorial.

    Buy a plane ticket for France Abby
